Premier League

Ex-Chelsea star Eden Hazard discloses the sole footballer in the current Chelsea squad whom he believes surpasses his own abilities. Chelsea icon Eden Hazard identifies the only player he considers superior to himself during his tenure.

Ex-Chelsea star Eden Hazard discloses the sole footballer in the current Chelsea squad whom he believes surpasses his own abilities. Chelsea icon Eden Hazard identifies the only player he considers superior to himself during his tenure.

In a recent interview with L’Equipe, Eden Hazard, the renowned football maestro, opened up about his reflections on his illustrious career, particularly regarding his comparisons with other footballing legends. With a candid demeanor, Hazard humbly acknowledged that in his esteemed opinion, Lionel Messi stands as the sole footballer who has surpassed him in skill. His admiration for Messi’s unparalleled talent and impact on the game was palpable, as he dubbed the Argentine maestro as the greatest in history, a sentiment shared by many in the footballing world.

While Hazard acknowledged Cristiano Ronaldo’s undeniable stature as a towering figure in the sport, he made it clear that he does not perceive Ronaldo as inherently superior to himself in terms of pure footballing prowess. Instead, he offered Neymar as a potential contender for such a comparison, highlighting the Brazilian’s flair and skill on the pitch.

When the conversation veered towards Ronaldo’s legendary discipline and work ethic, Hazard politely dismissed the notion of emulating such a regimented mindset. He emphasized his preference for a more relaxed lifestyle, one enriched by spending time with friends and indulging in leisure activities. Hazard candidly addressed rumors of weight gain during his tenure at Real Madrid, attributing it to the natural aftermath of an intense season with Chelsea and his customary post-season relaxation rituals. He adamantly rejected the idea of adhering to strict diets, affirming his belief in enjoying life’s pleasures to the fullest.

In response to criticisms about his work ethic, Hazard passionately defended his commitment to training while candidly admitting occasional lapses in motivation, a sentiment relatable to many athletes. Despite his deep admiration for Real Madrid and his lifelong affinity for Zinedine Zidane, Hazard confessed that the club’s culture and style of play didn’t always perfectly align with his own personality and preferences.

Throughout the interview, Hazard hinted at a sense of not fully fitting in with the swaggering image and style of play synonymous with Real Madrid. He reflected on his time with the club, acknowledging the pivotal role it played in shaping his career trajectory while subtly suggesting that it may not have been a perfect fit. Despite any discrepancies, Hazard expressed gratitude for the opportunities afforded to him by Real Madrid and the invaluable experiences gained during his tenure at the prestigious club.

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